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Spring Preparation: Hose Bibs 101


What is a Hose Bib?

The outdoor faucets that transfer water from indoor systems to the outdoors are called hose bibs. In most cases, these are located on the side of a house, allowing you to attach a water hose in order to obtain water directly. Hose bibs are useful for many tasks, including washing your cars or watering the garden. Like most faucets, these hose bibs can become problematic if they are not cared for properly. In fact, because these devices are more exposed to the harsh elements of the outdoors, issues with them can become worse than minor leaks.

Below is a list of some of the most common issues with hose bibs:

  • Freezing: One common hose bib problem includes freezing. When hose bibs freeze, they can expand and crack. When the temperatures begin to rise and the pipes thaw out once again, the broken faucet can leak continuously.
  • Leaks: One of the most obnoxious problems a homeowner can have is a leaking, dripping faucet. When a leak is bad, the dripping can continue even if the spigot has been shot off. This can occur of the shutoff valve is not functioning properly, allowing the pressure to force water through the faucets.
  • Broken handles due to corrosion or rust: This can disallow a homeowner from turning the house bib on or off. This can be a particularly bad situation if the handle breaks while the water is on. If this occurs, a homeowner may have to shut off the entire water source until the issue is resolved.

When to Replace a Hose Bib

If you experiencing any of these types of issues, you may need to consider getting a new hose bib. If there is no obvious symptoms of damage to the hose bib, consider the following preventative measures:

  • New hose bibs are different than the older ones because the handle will actually turn off water inside the home instead of only shutting off that specific outlet and can prevent water from freezing during the winter months and cracking or breaking the hose bib.
  • For some hose bib models, water lines that go outside can be shut off. So then, homeowners can stop the water from moving through the outdoor lines, drain the water from the hose bib, and prevent freezing.
  • Another thing homeowners can do to ensure internal mechanisms of the bib do not break or crack due to pressure is disconnect the hose from the hose bib.
  • Homeowners can prevent damages such as leaks by checking hose bibs for corroded or broken seals, washers, and nuts. If broken parts are identified, a homeowner should replace the parts right away. This can prevent larger problems from occurring.

If you detect a damaged hose bib or notice signs of a damaged hose bib, get in touch with our Los Angeles plumbers at Moe Plumbing Services right away. We can examine your home and determine which parts should be replaced right away. Because we understand these types of issues can be obnoxious and costly, especially when excess water is dripping at a constant rate, we remain available to help our customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call Moe Plumbing Services today and let our experience Los Angeles plumbing team help you out right away!
