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Blogs from February, 2021

An adult man adjusting a thermostat attached to a wall.

Winter is in full swing, and while our Southern California days might be warm enough to forego the use of a heater, the nights can often become a bit colder as the sun goes down, requiring us to adjust our thermostats. Most of us might not realize this, but homeowners make some common mistakes with household heating systems, and quite a few of them can become costly over time.

Here are some of the most common mistakes homeowners can make with their central comfort systems and how to avoid them.

Turning Up the Thermostat too High too Quickly

If your heating system is off all day, many homeowners assume turning it on full blast at night is the best solution when it gets a bit colder outside. This method can strain your home’s comfort system and cause it to malfunction, not to mention increase your energy bill.

Instead of cranking the thermostat to the highest setting at once, it’s best to gradually increase the temperature throughout the day to avoid affecting the heating system, as well as lessen the chances of receiving a high energy bill.

Not Sealing Cold Air Leaks

Just like you would check for cracks in your doors and windows in the summer to avoid hot air entering your home, the same idea applies to cold air leaks in the winter months. Cold air leakage can result in low indoor air quality and moisture problems.

To combat this, we recommend testing your home for air tightness (preferably, prior to winter) so you can address any issues immediately and help save energy.

Leaving the Heat on During the Day While the House is Empty

It’s very common for homeowners to leave the heat on full blast while no one is home so they can return to a warm humble abode. Not only does this increase your energy bill by running the heat at a high temperature all day, but it can also strain your system.

To help solve the issue at hand, try keeping your thermostat at a lower temperature during the day (i.e., 68° F) and gradually turn it up once you return home (i.e., 75° F).

Closing the Curtains

Homeowners might not realize a big difference between having their curtains opened or closed during the day, but even just a little sunlight throughout your living space can be enough for your heating system to not work as hard as it has to if the curtains were closed.

Pro tip: Let the natural sunlight in - your heater will thank you.

Professional Home Heating Services in Glendale, California

Get help with any of your heater-related issues from your experts at Moe Plumbing Services. Give us a call at (818) 396-8002 to schedule your appointment!


Most Recent Posts from February, 2021