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Blogs from October, 2021

plumbing stuff

Winter is on its way, and there’s nothing worse than taking time and money away from your holiday preparation in order to deal with catastrophic flooding! Water damage is one of the worst gifts to receive, so our team is sharing some of our top ways to protect your home from excessive moisture and burst pipes:

1. Make Sure Your Thermostat is Working

One of the most common causes of water damage is burst pipes. To avoid this issue, check your thermostat to ensure everything is working as well as it can be. If you have an older model, this means checking the batteries to ensure your thermostat won’t unexpectedly stop working. If you’re worried about your thermostat, consider switching to a wifi-connected model, which is designed to handle problems like dead batteries.

2. Insulate Your Plumbing

Insulating your plumbing gives your home another layer of protection from water damage. Purchase foam sleeves to cover exposed piping, or go with a DIY approach and wrap old newspaper around pipes to help insulate and prevent them from freezing.

3. Prepare Before Leaving Town

Regardless of what preventive measure you take, you never know when to expect a surprise cold front. If you have plans to leave town (even for a short weekend), hire or ask one of your family friends to check on the house while you’re out of town. Make sure to keep the thermostats set to a minimum temperature of 55 degrees Fahrenheit to better prevent burst pipes from freezing temperatures. There are also smart gadgets that alert you (via your smartphone) to issues such as leaks at home.

If you find yourself in need of plumbing repairs or emergency service this season, contact your professional team at Moe Plumbing Services!


Most Recent Posts from October, 2021