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Blogs from March, 2022

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Well, spring has sprung, and in Los Angeles, there’s one thing that guarantees: it’ll soon me time to turn on the air conditioning again. What you may not know is that there’s a lot that can happen to your AC over winter, which may interfere with the system’s performance. Follow these simple tips to get your air conditioner ready for spring from Moe Plumbing Services, and contact our Los Angeles HVAC experts today for AC installation, repair, and maintenance to get your AC unit ready for the change in seasons

How much will you spend this summer on your energy bills or AC service? Cleaning with a hose is just one part of spring maintenance. There is much more. It's essential to give your AC a little professional TLC at the beginning and end of each cooling season, just as you would with a car. Maintenance season will soon come to an end as the summer months approach. If you depend on your air conditioner to keep you and your family cool when the temperature rises, you definitely don't want to find out something seriously wrong with it. We'll take a look at some of the simpler aspects of spring cleaning that homeowners can do themselves, followed by the services you'll need a pro to complete.

How to Get Your Los Angeles AC Unit Ready For Spring

  1. Open the vents under your house: This only applies if your AC has a peer and beam foundation. Opening up the vents will help keep your system fresh, and make sure nothing has gotten trapped inside it over winter.
  2. Make sure the visqueen under your house is intact: This is another one that really only applies if your AC unit is outside. The visqueen protects your system from the elements. If this plastic guard has worn away over winter, you will want to replace it.
  3. Clean the exterior condenser unit: Chances are your unit has accumulated a certain amount of dirt and debris throughout the winter. AC systems are meant to withstand a lot, but while we’re lucky in Southern California that most areas do not experience snow, it’s still good to give your system a good hose-down, especially around the fin area. If there’s an excessive amount of grime, you may want to scrub the unit with soap or another cleaning product, too.
  4. Change your system filter: This should be done regularly, regardless of what season it is. However, the weeks moving from the spring to winter months are a particularly important time to have this done, as your old filter is likely to perform worse after months of disuse. This is even more important for individuals with allergies, who are already likely to be affected by increased allergens in the springtime, even without a bad filter spreading contaminants.
  5. Check the pipes: If your unit does have an insulated pipe—or pipes, if you have a heat pump—you should turn it on before you plan on using it in earnest, and listen for strange noises. Your insulated pipe(s) should be cool, while the others should fee slightly warm. If they are not, there’s a good chance there’s an issue with your refrigerant level.
  6. Clean the air ducts: Air from your air ducts is also recycled by your air conditioning system. You will be forced to circulate dust and debris throughout your home if your air ducts contain dust and debris. There is another way in which an air conditioner can be inefficient, and duct cleaning will make your unit run much more efficiently. Additionally, it can improve the air quality in your home and eliminate springtime allergens.
  7. Give your unit a test run: It's a good idea to give your AC unit a test run for inspection if it hasn't been used much during the winter. When you've cleaned your unit, let it run for 30 minutes to an hour and examine how it works both inside and outside your home. Are there any issues? You will be able to detect any abnormalities with your unit during a test run before they become a larger problem.

And the Final Tip… Call Moe Plumbing Services!

Ultimately, the best thing you can do for your system following the winter months is to have it serviced by a professional technician. An HVAC expert from Moe Plumbing will be able to complete all necessary cleaning and tune-ups, and even adjust your thermostat settings to maximize energy efficiency for spring! Our goal is for you to get the most out of your system, no matter what time of year it is. Call today for professional service that can will keep your AC unit running safely and cost-effectively in spring and beyond.

To schedule service or get more information, call (818) 396-8002, or contact us online.


Most Recent Posts from March, 2022